11/27/18 - We Bought More Land!

We Bought More Land!
Help us fund this amazing acquisition!​

The Laurel Canyon Association and the Laurel Canyon Land Trust are proud to announce the purchase of 2243 Laurel Canyon Boulevard. After two years of advocacy, appeals, ligation, and (sometimes very heated) settlement meetings, this land will now be preserved in perpetuity as open space!

The parcel was purchased from the developer of the new house under construction at 2239 Laurel Canyon Boulevard. Replacement California Black Walnut Trees (a threatened native species) will be planted on the newly purchased parcel in order to mitigate the impacts of the development.

This marks the seventh open space acquisition to date by the Laurel Canyon Land Trust, a sister organization of the LCA and a 501c3. 

Now - on this Giving Tuesday - we are asking you to help us replenish our funding reserves. Can you help us meet our $25,000 funding goal? 

click here to help replenish our Open Space reserves:


Click here to donate to The Laurel Canyon Land Trust

Laurel Canyon Association